3/324 Stirling Hwy,

Claremont WA 6010

(08) 9286 1234

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New Patients

How Do I Become A Patient?

No referral is necessary to become a patient at Spine Balance Claremont. Simply call and request an appointment or book online.

We have a simple 4-step system to improve spinal health consisting of

  • Assessment (first visit)
  • Report Of Findings (second or third visit)
  • Treatment Plan (subsequent visits)
  • Reassessment

What To Expect On Your First Visit?

A thorough history is taken starting with some intake forms, which will give us an overview of your health status. This is important because many non-spinal structures and conditions can cause spinal pain.

This is followed by a targeted physical examination to identify the pain source where possible. X-rays or further imaging (CT or MRI) may be referred for if deemed necessary.

We will then establish a diagnosis based on these findings. Rest assured that if we don’t think you are a candidate for treatment we will work to get you to where you need to be. Treatment may or may not be administered on this visit.

What To Expect On Subsequent Visits?

Once a diagnosis and management plan is established it’s time for us to get to work. Treatment is tailored to your diagnosis and will most commonly include gentle manipulation, mobilization, soft tissue therapy and exercise prescription or a combination of these. This is directed to functional problems we locate in our assessment. The dosage of treatment is really important as each visit will build on the last to make improvements and will be more likely to succeed. So early on treatments will be more frequent.

What To Expect On Reassessment Visits

This is simply where we track your progress and compare it to your first visit. The first reassessment may be scheduled 3 weeks or 4 weeks after your first visit depending on the nature of your complaint. We may vary your treatment plan at this point depending on your progress and this will be discussed with you. If progress is as planned, visit frequency is decreased and a preventative plan may be recommended if suitable.

Please Call Us On 08 9286 1234